About Descartes MSR Customs

Certifications, Memberships,
and Education

Respect. Responsibility. Community.

We are committed to the educational development of the industry's new resources, and to supporting our clients interests.

Certifications that Matter

Descartes MSR Customs systems and technologies are certified by both the U.S. and Canadian governments as well as by technology companies that include Oracle, Microsoft, Novell, and SAP.

Memberships that Count

We are members of technology, customs, and international trade associations that maintain positions of influence and support issues of concern to our clients.

Supporting the Next Generation of Customs Professionals

Descartes MSR Customs provides systems and support to educational institutions offering customs and international trade courses of study. By supporting the education of the next generation of customs and international trade specialists, we sustain our own, and our clients' access to quality resources.