Services and Products

Canadian Partners in Protection Program (PIP)

Proven, practical, cost-effective solutions.

The customs-approved security program has lots of benefits.

Government Compliance and Security Standard

Partners in Protection (PIP) is a Canadian government compliance and security certification. It is voluntary, with no fees.

PIP is the counterpart of C-TPAT, the U.S. Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism program. The program goals are similar — they seek to enlist private industry to help enhance border and trade chain security, combat terrorism, and detect and prevent smuggling.

A Prerequisite for FAST Border Clearance

For Canadian companies, PIP is one of the prerequisites for participation in Free and Secure Trade (FAST), the expedited border clearance program.

Beyond access to the highly valued FAST program, PIP benefits include preferential treatment by other PIP members, enhanced supply chain security and corporate compliance.

To gain certification companies must meet government-set compliance and supply chain security standards.

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